
Usage of the menus:

Explore From Here

Grabs the path of the first selected file and opens the windows explorer in this directory. This is useless if you are currently in the Explorer, but it is verry useful if you use this in a file select box, the search window etc.

Command Prompt From here

Grabs the current path from the first selected file and opens a shell (cmd32 on NT, on 98/98) with this path as the current working directory.

Create a DOC++ Overview

Creates a filelist from the current selected files and invokes DOC++ on that file. Invokes the default browser after DOC++ is finished. If DOC++ doesn't come back within 20 seconds, CBShellExt stops waiting for it.

CBShellExt uses only files with the extension *.h, *.hpp, *.hcc, *.h++. All other files are ignored.

Tip: Docxx must be in the search path.

Compare Files with WinMerge

Compares two files in the same directory with WinMerge. This is useful if you have a file MyDefines.h and MyDefines.old.h in the same directory.

WinMerge must be in the search path.

You can download WinMerge under:


Copy File Name Only

Copy the name of the selected file without the path to the clipboard.

Copy File Path Only

Copy the path of the selected file without the name to the clipboard.

Copy File Name and Path

Copy the path and the name of the selected file to the clipboard.

CBShellExt Setup

This is prepared for later use and not available yet.

Alphabetic index

CBShellExt . This documentation is made with DOC++. All Trademarks are Trademarks of the respective owner!